Downtown Muskegon gets a lot of focus, but Fruitport’s Teddy Spaghettis is definitely not one to be overlooked.

Much of their food is served in to-go containers, but we’ve never really found that tacky. Rarely are you going to eat that whole pasta and breadstick by yourself, so being able to just toss a top on your dish and crimp down the foil makes it pretty nice. And while we’re on the subject – those are not freaking breadsticks. That is a (small) loaf of bread.

Their ravioli has always been popular, and again – those bread loaves are pretty legendary. You can get your pizza a few ways, and we’re still trying those out. Pro tip: We’re a big fan of getting the grande sizes for a few dollars more and having epic leftovers. You at work tomorrow will thank us, and your coworkers tomorrow will hate you. You may have to wait a few minutes more for the larger size, but it’s totally worth it. You won’t leave here wanting for more, that is for sure.